ID: 226219
Scientific Name: Sabal palmetto
Common Name: Cabbage Palmetto
Town: Bridgeport
Points: 22
Circumference: 16 in
Height: 5 ft
Average Spread: 6 ft
Tree Address: 30 Hazel Street
Bridgeport, CT CT
Nominated by: Dr. Eugene Zampieron (Feb 23, 2018)
Measured by: Frank Kaputa & Dr. Eugene Zampieron
(Aug 7, 2018)
Remarks: This is the first tree of this species in our database, as well as the first palm tree. This is a USDA zone 8 tree growing in zone 7.
This tree was grown from seed from collected in Sun City Center, FL, in 2005. It was planted outside in its current location in 2009.
This tree suffered die-back over the 2017-2018 winter and its height was reduced from about 8 feet.
It is in a favorable microclimate, very close to a south-facing masonry wall, and is about 500 ft from Long Island Sound.
Notes: CT This tree is a Connecticut champion.
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