ID: 226358
Scientific Name: Betula alleghaniensis
Common Name: Yellow Birch
Town: Granby
Points: 248
Circumference: 148 in
Height: 81 ft
Average Spread: 76 ft
Tree Address: Granby, CT
Directions: Tree is growing along east bank of Bissell Brook, south of the Creek Trail. Surrounding forest is primarily birch and hemlock (with some decline from elongate hemlock scale).
Nominated by: Connor Hogan (Apr 2, 2020)
Measured by: John Kehoe and Kyle Dougherty
(Jan 14, 2023)
Remarks: Tree is in good health with all major branches alive and high in forest canopy. At one point in distant past the current trunk was composed of several stems. However, they have long since fused into one trunk. The narrowest point of the trunk is above the lowest original split and occurs very close to 4.5 feet above the ground. If circumference were to be measured below the lowest original split, it would be several inches wider.
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